Since 1996, Sandlapper Art & Frame has been helping customers just like you make your home uniquely you. Our creative custom picture framing service has helped many customers with the custom framing of pictures, fine art photography and shadowbox collectibles.
Custom picture framing is our passion but we also search the eastern coast for unique handmade gifts. The handmade gifts for sale at Sandlapper are one-of-a-kind gifts including unique nautical gifts that you can be proud to give.
From Savannah, Georgia to Charleston and Myrtle Beach , South Carolina to the Outer Banks of North Carolina, Sandlapper looks for the artwork that will add that special touch to your home or office. We represent various artists from South Carolina and North Carolina.
Nautical handmade gifts of pottery, metal wall art, fine art photography, carolina coastal art prints and beaded and sterling silver jewelry are available for sale. Please check out our gallery photos to see a small sampling of the handmade gifts for sale at Sandlapper.
Sandlapper's services include not only creative custom picture framing but also home decorating ideas including in home art consultation, how to hang the pictures in your
home, and how to protect your art investment with conservation framing.
Remember: your home defines you. We give you the best we have! Learn who we are and why you can trust Sandlapper with your art treasures. Come in and visit our art gallery today!
© Copyright 2008-2011 Sandlapper Art & Frame
Celebrating over 15 years of
custom picture framing!
We strive for professional results so you can trust us to do the best job every time!
May 27 - June 24
Framed Art
Art Prints
Handmade Gifts
Now is the time to take advantage of a great sale to stock up on gifts for graduations, anniversaries, birthdays and other holidays!
(excludes custom framing and other discounts offered.)
Frame Your Memories!
Conveniently located in the Shoppes at Flight Deck, we have framed many mementos throughout the years including old photographs, football jerseys, christening gowns, military medals, flags, Boy Scout badges, old letters and more. We frame your memories as well as artwork for your home or office.
Diploma Specials!
Your graduate is special so make the day count by framing that very important diploma! The longer it sits, the more chance of damage or worse yet, being misplaced over time!
Stop in or call for what type of special you can receive on your particular school's diploma!
Please note change of hours:
Beginning June 1st, our Wed. Hours will change to 10:30 to 2. This change allows us to go to our other location to make and assemble your frame projects for the week.
Tues., Thurs, Fri. 10:30 to 6
Wed. 10:30 to 2
10:30 to 5